Welcome to the Hacker Talent Zone!

Ribbit! Don't forget to smile today!

Name Tier Activation Ranked Description Page Notes Category
Custom Code1PassiveNoWhen your character selects this talent they choose one
icebreaker or piece of ice that they own. If they choose an
icebreaker, whenever they use that icebreaker to override
ice, they add an Advantage to the results. If they choose a piece of ice,
whenever someone else attempts to override it, they add
a Threat to the results.
17 Advantage isn't too useful for bypassing Ice, what you want is success die.Decker
Complex Form Master1PassiveNoYour character must have a rank in the Resonance skill
to take this talent. When your character purchases this
talent, choose one Complex Form. When threading that
Complex Form, you may choose one effect that normally
increases the difficulty by 1. Instead, you may add this
effect without increasing the difficulty.
17 Okay, but at most it saves 1 difficulty die on a roll you should be passing anyway.Technomancer
Custom Rig1PassiveYesWhen your character selects this talent they choose one
cyberdeck that they own. The amount of ice or icebreakers (your character's choice) that they can have on that
cyberdeck is increased by 1 per rank of Custom Rig.
(This may be a mix of ice and icebreakers, as long as the
combined total increase does not exceed your character's
ranks in Custom Rig). If your character loses their
affected cyberdeck, they may choose a new cyberdeck to
be affected by this talent.
18 Deckers need to use different icebreakers in order to bypass certain types of IC. To use a lockpicking analogy, some types of locks ( ICE ) might need specific lockpicks ( ICE Breakers )
This increases the amount of icebreakers that you can include on your system.
Defensive Sysops1PassiveNoWhen attempting to defend a computer system against
intrusion (or when someone attempts to hack a computer owned or programmed by your character) your
character adds two Setback die to their opponent’s checks. If your
character has access to the computer system when the intrusion takes place, they are automatically aware of the
18 Increases your defense when people try to hack you.Decker
Data Anomaly1PassiveYesYour character knows effective ways of masking your
matrix persona. Add a Setback die for each rank of Data Anomaly
to the opponent’s Computers check when defending
against a Trace User action.
18 Alright on paper, although will only come up in dedicated 'Run' encounters. I.e. encounters where your character is in a network long enough for a Sysop to have a reasonable chance of finding your character.Decker
Improved Resonance Spike1PassiveNoYour character must have a rank in the Resonance skill
to take this talent. When your character selects this talent, they choose one type of IC (Barrier, Code Gate, or
Sentry). Whenever attempting to override an IC of that
type, they add an Advantage to the results.
Page 20:
'Custom Code', but for Technomancers.
17A tier 1 talent that adds a single advantage to one type of roll in one type of encounter 30% of the time is very bad.Technomancer
Matrix Search1Active (Maneuver)NoIf your character has access to the Matrix, they may use
this talent to upgrade the ability of the next Knowledge
check they make during their turn twice and the difficulty of that check once. Your GM must spend a Despair to
have your character learn some seemingly relevant and
believable information that turns out to be completely
(and possibly maliciously) false.
21 Generally okay, but the despair result kind of hurts. Since you learn negative information regardless of the rest of the roll.General
Adroitness2PassiveNoWhen first acquired, choose a general skill. When making a check with that skill, reduce the time required by
25%. The GM may determine that this talent may not be
used with certain skills or activities.
25 Not specifically a matrix skill, but its main use here in the book seems to be to reduce the time of matrix searches.General
Codeslinger2PassiveNoWhen your character performs the activate program maneuver (page 132) in a hacking encounter, they can
choose not to deactivate one other active icebreaker.
They may have two icebreakers active at once.
26 Normally, deckers can only have one Icebreaker active at a time. This lets them have two active at a time, slightly improving their action economy.Decker
Matrix Hunter2PassiveNoWhen your character successfully traces another character during a Matrix encounter, your character gains one
additional trace.
32 Mainly useful for Sysops RAW. The homebrew that they recently added that lets runners trace the location of the system they are on also means that theoretically you could use this to better trace systems. Situational.General
Technical Aptitude2PassiveNoWhen making a Computer skill check may spend 2 Advantage or
1 Triumph to reduce the time spent to complete the task by 50%.
35 Main use, like Adroitness, is to reduce the time of Matrix searches.General
Encoded Communique3PassiveNoUpgrade the difficulty of checks to decrypt this character's coded messages without the proper cipher a number
of times equal to Computers skill
40 Extremely situational.General
Evasive Sprites3PassiveNoYour character must have a rank in the Resonance skill
to take this talent. When a Sprite your character has
compiled uses the Enact Command maneuver, the Sprite
may attach itself to the command. Doing so means the
Sprite may continue to enact the command for the rest of
the encounter without encountering any IC guarding it
again. However, that Sprite may not move to any other
sub-system during the encounter.
41 How this is useful is that you enter a subsystem, take down the IC for a moment, then attach a sprite. Then, later, you can have the sprite activate a command. Such as 'Activate the offices alarm system at 12 am exactly'. Your TM still needs to be concentrating on the sprite itself, however, so this would only really come up in massive hitman-style encounters where time intervals like that are very important.Technomancer
Eye for Detail3Active (Incidental)YesAfter making a Mechanics or Computers check, may
suffer strain up to ranks in Eye for Detail to convert that
many Success to Advantage.
41 This is mainly useful if you overshoot your computers rolls and want to convert some of the excess computers die into advantage.General
Fade to Black3Active (Action)NoYour character must have a rank in the Resonance skill
to take this talent. Once per encounter, your character
may weave shielding datastreams to remove all Traces on
your character.
41 This being an action, rather then an incidental is really rough. If you are being targeted enough that you are at risk of being found out, spending a turn in the matrix doing nothing to 'heal' the traces only increases the amount of time that you are in the system. It's better to try to resist traces with Data Anomaly then to heal them off with this.General
Matrix Warrior3Active (Action)NoWhile accessing a system using a Virtual Reality, your
character may use this talent to make an opposed Computers versus Computers check targeting one other character on the system that they are aware of. The target
suffers 1 strain per Success, and if they are using Hot-Sim Virtual Reality, they also suffer 1 wound per Success.
This uses computers, instead of resonance. Its essentially Scything Tirade for matrix encounters. There are a few situations where this is useful; mainly if there is only one Sysops, and you figure that you can knock them out with this before they can figure out your location. Generally a fun ability to plan out, especially if you go for Master down the road to downgrade the enemies die on the computer check.
Snare3Active (Action)NoOnce per session, your character may use this talent to
make a Hard ( 3 Difficulty ) Computers check. If they succeed, once before the end of the encounter, you may
spend a Story Point to force one character in the encounter to make a Daunting ( 4 Difficulty) Vigilance
check as an incidental. If they fail, they are staggered until the end of their next turn, plus one additional turn per 2 Threat.
49 Flavor is VERY weird without context, but actually one of the best 'hacker' type talents in the book, if very niche - since it requires two subsequent successes.
Idea is that you set up a little program in advance using the Computers check, then later on in the encounter can use that program to stun someone by overwhelming their commlink or such.
Very good, since Staggered is such an amazing condition - it means they cant take actions that round.
Burn Through4Active (Incidental)NoAfter making a successful break ice action, your character may suffer 3 strain to use this talent. If they do, they
may perform a second override ice action on the same
system as an incidental.
52 Used for deckers to improve their main action economy. Not usable by Technomancers, since they dont use the Break Ice action.Decker
Reroute Processors4Active (Action)NoOnce per encounter, may take a Reroute Processors action, make an Average ( 2 Difficulty ) Computers check to reduce one of an artificial life form's characteristics by 1
and increase another of its characteristics by 1.
59 This is so situational I can't think of a reasonable use for it. I think the main use is to gradually, over a few encounters, raise up the agents on your tech to have 5 intellect/cunning for the purposes of running matrix searches? 'Artificial life forms' are extremely narrow in the book - limited to ( Arguably ) agents and sprites. Sprites aren't really worth it to use this on as they only last a bit.Technomancer
Web Of Knowledge5Active (Action)NoOnce per session your character may make an Average
(2 Difficulty) Knowledge (Professional) check during a Matrix encounter. If you succeed, your character knows the
names, strengths, and other qualities of all ice (active or
deactivated) on one system that you currently have access to, as well as all other characters that currently are
accessing that system. Your character may spend 3 Advantage
or Triumph from this check (whether or not they succeeded) to
add 1 Success die to all Computer checks involving that system that
they make for the remainder of the encounter.
67 Okay, but tier 5 is filled with amazing talents for hackers.General
Ghost In The Machine5Active (Action)NoAs long as they have some sort of access point to the Matrix, your character may use this talent to make a Hard
(3 Difficulty) Computers check. If they succeed, they may
select one drone, vehicle, or piece of equipment involved
in the current encounter and dictate its actions until the
start of your character’s next turn. Alternatively, your
character can select someone with cyberware or who is
wearing powered armor or an exosuit and manipulate it
until the beginning of your character’s next turn. This
must be approved by your GM but could include shutting off cybereyes, directing the movements of cyberlimbs, or causing an exosuit to eject its occupant. Your
character may spend 3 Advantage on the check to extend the
effects for one additional round, or they may spend Triumph to
extend the effects for the remainder of the encounter.
64 Probably the weirdest talent in the book, and the strongest one for a 'Hacker' type character. Whats good about this is that its a flat DC of 3 difficulty die, that you can get down to 1 difficulty die with Master on page 65. It requires that 'you' are in the matrix, but doesn't really care about the actual item itself. It bypasses all Ice, all Sysop features, all other mechanics in the book to simply let you just point at a tech thing and let you do something with it until the end of the turn.
Technically, the truncated 'Combat Hacking' rules are similar to this in practice - since they *can* often be `do a roll to do a thing`.